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said Chen Ho机床ngkai
发布日期:2024-01-17 16:49    点击次数:158

said Chen Ho机床ngkai

Internationalization will be a characteristic feature of the 16th Pujiang Innovation Forum, an official said at a press conference held in Shanghai on Monday.



The forum will be held from September 9 to 11 in Shanghai, with Brazil the Country of Honor, and Hubei the Province of Honor.

Nearly 300 guests from 32 countries and regions including China, Brazil, the United States,青铜峡市岩奥催化剂有限公司 India,青铜峡市岩奥催化剂有限公司 and Germany,青铜峡市岩奥催化剂有限公司 will give speeches,青铜峡市岩奥催化剂有限公司机床 nearly 40 percent of whom are from overseas,青铜峡市岩奥催化剂有限公司 said Chen Hongkai, an official at the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission.

As Country of Honor, Brazil will organize a series of activities such as a Sino-Brazil innovation week and a nanotechnology seminar.


The Bill Melinda Gates Foundation, Elsevier, the Alliance of International Science Organizations in the Belt and Road Region, and other top science institutes and magazines have been deeply involved in the forum's organization.


To cover all of these aspects机床, the forum has formed an international innovation network, Chen said.

